Covid-19 and O'sullivan's
All of our centres adhere to the latest Covid-19 protocols as stated by the local authority.
In August 2020, the Generalitat de Cataluña published their guidelines for Covid-19 in education centers in the area. As a provider of Education; the safety and comfort of our students is of the utmost important to us.
Accordingly, we would encourage all of our students to take advantage of one of our amazing Online courses!
We have adopted the following measures in all of our centers. These measures must be adhered to strictly at all times. We thank you for your understanding.
A mask to cover the face and nose must be used at all times within our centres.
*We leave the use of a mask for children up to the age of 6 at the discretion of their guardian, as stipulated in the local authority guidelines.
Hand Hygiene - Upon entering our centers, all of our students, staff and parent's will be provided with alcohol gel and soap to wash and sanitize their hands.
Temperature Check - Upon entering one of our centres, students, staff and parent's will be subjected to a temperature monitoring check. We would ask that students do not attend class in person if they have any suspected symptoms. If we suspect symptoms, we are obliged to send you home.
Social Distancing - A minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be kept at all times possible in all of our centers. All of our tables, chairs and classrooms have been carefully measured to ensure this is possible at all times. Group sizes have been adjusted accordingly. Social distancing can be maintained at all times throughout our centers and we ask that furniture not be moved or re-arranged to ensure that appropriate distances can be upheld.
Food and Drink - Food must not be consumed inside any of our centers. In our classrooms we have only ever permitted a bottle of water. Should a student require a refreshment during their class as usual they may leave to take a drink in the Chill Out area. Sadly, we have returned to single use (recycled paper) cups for all of our water coolers. We ask that students bring their own reusable water bottle. Take their rubbish home and recycle whenever possible.
Materials - The teachers at O'sullivan's have been working hard to ensure classes designed around not sharing physical materials. To limit contact between students. Paper and worksheets will be delivered in a contactless manner. Each student will recieve a quirologically cleaned welcome pack which will contain all of the materials needed for the duration of the course. Providing each student brings their required materials to each class then we can ensure that classes are entirely contactless. So, don't forget your pen as we cannot provide you with one!
Cleaning and Ventilation - All of our classrooms and spaces are cleaned before and after each class. Windows are kept open in all of our centers and air conditioning provides regular ventilation.
At O'sullivan's we are ready to take on the challenges that covid-19 presents. We won't let the corona virus stop us from learning! Will you?!