Exam Preperation With O'sullivan's
Exams are a fundamental part of language learning in the 21st century and our trained Native Teachers have a proven track record of getting their students of any age through their exam!
Our tutors have an excellent track record and experience with all of the major examinations and can provide help with exam technique and tips and tricks for on the day of the exam to ensure you are truely prepared for success.
We are up to date with all recent 2020 changes (as of Jan 2020) to Camebridge exams, and offer further preparation should students wish to sit their exams online.
We cover: A2 Key (Previously KET), B1 Preliminary (Previously PET), B2 First (Previously FCE), C1 Advanced (Previously CAE), C2 Proficiency (Previously CPE), IELTS, APTIS and exams from any recognised center.
Exam!? No Stress, with O'sullivan's. Click "All Ages" for schedule and pricing.
All Exams Covered
No Exam Stress
Proven results
Groups of
8 Max.
Experienced Native Teachers
All our courses available ONLINE
All of our classes and centers adhere to local authority Covid-19 protocols. Read our Covid-19 response here.
Time tables and calanders vary to accomodate students requirements. Get in touch and let us know what you need!